Discuss the Critical Aspects of Business Continuity
5 words to help paint a better picture of business continuity.
Timeout (p. 182): Let’s take our scheduled TIMEOUT so we can assess our progress in the emergency exercise and see if we have any positive take-aways and if we should make changes before continuing.
Flash Report (p. 159): I am providing you with a FLASH REPORT including the most critical test results from our emergency IT exercise that was conducted yesterday.
WAR (p. 87): As an administrative team, in case we need to abandon this facility and move operations, we need to decide to keep our Work Area Recovery in-house at one of our other locations or outsource to a 3rd party.
Employee Buy-in Plan (p. 30-31): As the emergency management director I will need to create activities and scenarios that will instill a sense of urgency in all employees so they ‘buy-in’ to the business continuity plan for response and recovery.
Battle Box (p. 53): I am providing all department heads with a plastic tote called the Battle Boxthat should be filled with essential documents, directories, stationary and plans for their resepctive department and returned to me ASAP to be shipped off-site.
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