Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching.

Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching.

Executive coaching is a professional relationship between a trained coach and identified leaders. The coach will assist the client in performing, learning, staying healthy and keeping balanced in the workplace. The goal is to enhance the client’s leadership and effectively guide their team to successfully reach desired goals and exceed individual and corporate expectations.
There are several benefits of Executive Coaching.
They are as follows:
• Increased self-awareness
• Increased self-regulation
• Greater empathy and emotional intelligence
• Flexible thinking replacing rigid thinking
• Higher levels of motivation
• More effective leadership
I would recommend that my organization takes full advantage of Executive Coaching by identifying deficiencies or areas that need improvement overall. Coaching is not meant to magnify shortcomings, but rather it is to better build upon what is currently being done. Executive coaching allows leaders to make meaningful connections with employees to understand how to better lead them. Everyone does not take coaching the same so learning new ways to encourage/inspire employees are always a plus. In my particular organization, there are a few different departments so I would ask the supervisors what they want to improve on. Leadership starts from the top to bottom so those in charge have to make sure they are meeting the standards that they expect from their employees. For example: showing up to work on time. Leading by example can be a huge motivator in the workplace. I am not sure about any of you, but if someone told me to be at work at 8am, but they are always showing up an hour later, I would have an issue with that. I would have to slap down my flesh because I would be thinking “who are you to tell me when to come in and you cannot make it here on time?”

  • Discuss the benefits of Executive coaching. How would you recommend your organization take full advantage of Executive coaching?
  • Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply

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executive coaching

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