Discuss Epidemiological Measurements

Discuss Epidemiological Measurements

Unit 1 Assignment: Rates in the Health Industry

To see the grading rubric, go to Course Resources / Grading Rubrics.

Unit outcomes:

  • Describe what epidemiology is and how it is used in the health professions.
  • Identify measures of morbidity and mortality used to study health problems.
  • Interpret common measures of morbidity and mortality, including death, birth, and infection rates.

Course outcomes assessed in this Assignment:

HS311-1: Interpret epidemiological and health care rates using standardized formulas.

GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English.


After reading about morbidity, mortality and natality measures, select four measures that you would like to explore further. Locate credible, published examples from the Library for each measure. Then explain what each measure means and interpret the data you researched.


  • This paper should have a minimum of two pages, not including the title page or references.
  • This paper must follow APA formatting and citation guidelines, including:
    • Title page and Reference page
    • Essay should be double-spaced
    • Use Times New Roman font, size 12
  • All references should come from credible sources.
  • Include a highly developed viewpoint.
  • Organize your paper with subheadings.
  • Free of grammar and spelling errors.
  • No evidence of plagiarism.

APA formatting and citation style resources are available in the Writing Center located in the Academic Success Center under Academic Tools.

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