Discuss data collection and methodology.
Assessment 2: Data Collection Details of the assignment:
Considering the research aim that you drafted in the discussion forum:
Identify a suitable qualitative research methodology to address this aim and defend your
choice AND then
Identify a data collection method, including the sampling and recruitment strategy that you
would use with this research aim and methodology, justify your choice and explain important
aspects of the method.
You should ensure that you retain a copy of your assignments before submission.
Please note that a similarity on Turnitin of >15% is unacceptable.
Weight: 25%
Word count: 1250 words +/- 10% (not including references)
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3
Graduate attributes/generic skills: GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA9, GA10
Dear writer, below I have attached two files from our lecture it will help for better writing. I wish
you can understand what to do by reading instruction here and from Unit outline files. Thanks.
4. Summary
Data collection in qualitative research is preceded by decisions about the sampling method. The
sample comes from the population of interest to the research, not the geographic population. The
most frequently used sampling methods in qualitative research are purposive sampling, snowball
sampling and theoretical sampling, which are forms of non-probability sampling. Sample sizes in
qualitative research are usually quite small but this is not a limitation as each member of the sample
tends to provide considerable depth and richness of data, and because there is no intention to
generalize the findings of the study to the broader population of interest.
Data collection follows recruitment of participants (for studies involving human participants)
according to the sampling method. The type of data collection method will be in accordance with the
overall methodology of the study and the intricacies of each particular study. The data that is
collected needs to hold the promise for the researchers of being able to answer the research
question or address the research aim, once that data is analysed. Some of the commonly used data
collection methods in qualitative approaches to research are interviews, focus groups, participant
observation and document analysis.
6. Data analysis according to methodology: Grounded theory
The main types of grounded theory are: the Glaser and Strauss’ approach, the Strauss and Corbin
approach and the Charmaz’ approach. Each one aligns with a different paradigm. While data
analysis in all three types will bear similarities (for example they all use the idea of ‘constant
comparison’), they also have differences. These articles should be helpful.
Timonen, V., Foley, G., & Conlon, C. (2018). Challenges when using Grounded Theory: A
pragmatic introduction to doing GT research. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 1-
The following paper has a section on data analysis in grounded theory, following some discussion
about the different types of grounded theory. It also includes a helpful table that compares data
analysis across the three main types of grounded theory.
Rieger, K. (2018). Discriminating among grounded theory approaches. Nursing Inquiry, E12261.
Considering the research aim that you drafted in the discussion forum:
Identify a suitable qualitative research methodology to address this aim and defend your
choice AND then
Identify a data collection method, including the sampling and recruitment strategy that you
would use with this research aim and methodology, justify your choice and explain important
aspects of the method.
You should ensure that you retain a copy of your assignments before submission.
Please note that a similarity on Turnitin of >15% is unacceptable.
Weight: 25%
Word count: 1250 words +/- 10% (not including references)
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3
Graduate attributes/generic skills: GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA9, GA10
Dear writer, below I have attached two files from our lecture it will help for better writing. I wish
you can understand what to do by reading instruction here and from Unit outline files. Thanks.
4. Summary
Data collection in qualitative research is preceded by decisions about the sampling method. The
sample comes from the population of interest to the research, not the geographic population. The
most frequently used sampling methods in qualitative research are purposive sampling, snowball
sampling and theoretical sampling, which are forms of non-probability sampling. Sample sizes in
qualitative research are usually quite small but this is not a limitation as each member of the sample
tends to provide considerable depth and richness of data, and because there is no intention to
generalize the findings of the study to the broader population of interest.
Data collection follows recruitment of participants (for studies involving human participants)
according to the sampling method. The type of data collection method will be in accordance with the
overall methodology of the study and the intricacies of each particular study. The data that is
collected needs to hold the promise for the researchers of being able to answer the research
question or address the research aim, once that data is analysed. Some of the commonly used data
collection methods in qualitative approaches to research are interviews, focus groups, participant
observation and document analysis.
6. Data analysis according to methodology: Grounded theory
The main types of grounded theory are: the Glaser and Strauss’ approach, the Strauss and Corbin
approach and the Charmaz’ approach. Each one aligns with a different paradigm. While data
analysis in all three types will bear similarities (for example they all use the idea of ‘constant
comparison’), they also have differences. These articles should be helpful.
Timonen, V., Foley, G., & Conlon, C. (2018). Challenges when using Grounded Theory: A
pragmatic introduction to doing GT research. International Journal Of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 1-
The following paper has a section on data analysis in grounded theory, following some discussion
about the different types of grounded theory. It also includes a helpful table that compares data
analysis across the three main types of grounded theory.
Rieger, K. (2018). Discriminating among grounded theory approaches. Nursing Inquiry, E12261.

words limit: 1334