Develop an intersectional policy brief addressing any of the social issues listed.

Develop an intersectional policy brief addressing any of the social issues listed.

Make sure there are atleast four scholarly peer reviewed journal articles found in the stony brook library database. Also paper not including the bibliography or any appendix page reached a full 5-7 pages. double spaced

Directions:1. Intersectional Policy Brief For this assignment, you will develop a policy brief that addresses the health or environmental consequences of racism nationally or locally (New York/Long Island). This project requires that you address racism and health using the lens of intersectionality. You must select a specific health problem related to the intersection of racism, class oppression, sexism and/or discrimination against LGBTQIA* minorities. In so doing, discuss specific health concerns for members of at least one racial or ethnic group,review existing policies, discuss related research and suggest policy proposals you think would make a constructive impact. Examples of possible topics include:racial or ethnic health disparities among low-income NativeAmericans; environmental racism in poor communities of color; mental health disparities among Latinx LGBTQIA* individuals; maternal mortality among African Americans, etc.

Follow this structure for your policy brief: Introduction and overview of the problem (1-2 pages) Explain current policies related to the problem (1-2 pages) Two or three policy recommendations and explanations for why they would be beneficial (2 pages) Conclusion (1 page)

33 mins ago

All final projects must include the following components: • Clear description of a specific problem or problems related to racism • Concrete suggestions for how these problems might be addressed • At least four scholarly references (peer-reviewed journal articles found in the Stony Brook library database or books — you cannot use ANY websites for your required scholarly sources)

32 mins ago

You must include a bibliography page in addition to the page limit and utilize at least four academic sources (scholarly articles and books). Your academic sources should relate to the ethnic or racial problem and impact of your proposal. You can include references from the syllabus in your academic sources. However, you may not use any websites for your academic sources, although you may include additional citations. Any academic source you cite should have page numbers and a specified author. Be sure to paraphrase appropriately, use quotations where necessary, cite correctly and avoid plagiarism. Citations and bibliographies should be formatted according to the ASA Style Guide, available in the Main Library (HM73 .A54 1997) or on Blackboard.

You can also learn more about the ASA citation style guide here: Your paper (not including the bibliography or any appendix) must be at least 5 full pages and cannot exceed 7 full pages.

Formatting: Each project must be written in full sentences and coherent prose. You may use bullet points in the strategic/structural overview section only. Your document must be Word file with double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman or Athelas font and 1 inch margins. Be sure to include page numbers. You may also include an optional title page in addition to the page limit. Projects that are longer than 7 pages will or less than 5 full pages (not including title page, references or appendix) will earn an F (59).

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intersectional policy on social issues
Word limit : 1620 words