Describe Interpersonal communication in healthcare
Describe Interpersonal communication in healthcare.Addressing this rationale are important because they enable you to contribute to and seek feedback from the unit coordinator and other markers. The aim with this assignment is that you are able to develop a report that addresses a number of key issues related to health professional communication. It also encourages you to produce a major piece of work that reflects your thoughts and ideas about a significant aspect of health professional communication and link this with relevant theory and literature in support of your learning. This assignment is a report with a focus on professional communication. This report is not about medication, treatment options or client safety procedures. Focus on communication. The report is based on your observations and evaluation of a number of key questions related to a video scenario. Watch the video and address your report. ***Please ensure you use the supplied template for this Report. Formatting has already been completed for you in order to produce a clear report. A report is written in a more factual manner than an essay. The template is located here: Professional Communication Report template. Instructions: Make sure you read all of the information listed below so that you know exactly what this assignment entails. Not reading the instructions is one of the main reasons why students lose marks. Watch the video provided on the Moodle site or via the URL here: The discharge meeting. Reference: Palumbo. M. V. (August, 2013) Missed Opportunities for Interprofessional Practice [Video file]. Retrieved from: Reflect on what is happening in the video. Do you think the way the people are communicating in the video has the potential to affect client safety? (Please refer to the marking criteria when writing your report) This assignment requires you to write a report about effective professional communication. Ensure you stay focused on communication not client safety. You will need to research the importance of effective professional communication to client safety. Use the template supplied with pre-formated headings. When talking about what is happening in the video be specific – identify who is doing what? The content of your report should contain information extracted from scholarly journals and books (i.e. do not rely on Moodle learning notes, newspaper articles, or your personal experience). Please use APA style referencing from appropriate scholarly sources. Your word count starts at the Introduction (Abstract words are not included in the count) and continues through to the end of the Recommendations section. In your report make sure you address the following: Discuss the importance of good interpersonal communication (e.g. why is it important for professionals to have the skills to communicate effectively with clients, families and significant others? What is the impact/outcome for clients, families and significant others if a professional cannot communicate effectively? What model of communication might be most effective for a discharge meeting? Make sure your essay is supported by evidence from the professional communication literature). Identify behavioural contributions of individual members noting ‘barriers to communication’ evident in the video (e.g. what are barriers to communication? Which of the barriers to communication reported in the communication literature can you identify in the video as far as the client is concerned? Professionals? Organization? Make sure you justify your answer by referring to what is happening in the video. Do not forget to address each of the three areas in your essay). Analyse the effectiveness of the inter-professional team and their collaboration skills (e.g. is the health team in the video working together effectively? Is the team in the video collaborating with one another? What does the literature say about effective inter-professional teamwork and collaboration? is the client put at risk because of poor collaborative communication?) Analyse the situation presented in the video from the point of view of the client, professionals and professional organization (e.g. what do you think is happening in the video? Make sure you refer to the video when structuring your response. Do you think what is happening in the video in the long run is going to produce a positive outcome for the client, professionals and professional organisation? Why? Every reason you give must be supported by evidence from the communication literature). Recommend how the outcome for the client in the video could be improved by rectifying any communication problems you find (e.g. this is where you need to tell us how the healthcare team in the video could improve their communication to improve the outcome for the client. What are the things the team in the video needs to pay more attention to in order for the client to not be placed at risk? What do you recommend this team does better? Make sure that any recommendation you make is supported by the evidence provided in the effective communication literature).
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