In an essay, describe the impact of the rich man and Lazarus parable on a modern audience

In an essay, describe the impact of the rich man and Lazarus parable on a modern audience

Long Essay 1
This longer essay will consist of no more nor less than five to seven pages, with one-inch
margins, double-spaced, twelve font, and Times New Roman. Points will be deducted, if these
requisites are not followed.
I would like you to build upon the previous work that you have done, in regards to your parable
exercise, by examining the impact of that parable upon a first century audience, a modern
audience, and a specific audience (Black, Latino, Feminine, Womanist, Queer, Disabled, Poor).
Aside from the New Testament and the Powell textbook, I am requiring you to reference at least
three scholarly resources (one hardcopy library book, one scholarly article, and one biblical
commentary), within the body of the text and as a separate Works Cited page.
Answer preview:
impact of the parable on lazarus and the rich man
Word limit:2,506