Define intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and describe how motivation varies in different settings.

Define intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and describe how motivation varies in different settings.


To define intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and describe how motivation varies in different settings.


After watching the assigned videos and reading chapter 10, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is the “candle problem” from the Ted Talk and how does it relate to the textbook content? Please be specific and provide AT LEAST 2 examples. NOTE: The candle problem is not discussed in your textbook, only in the Ted Talk
  2. In your own words, define intrinsic motivation.
  3. Provide an example from your own life when you were intrinsically motivated.
  4. In your own words, define extrinsic motivation.
  5. Provide an example from your own life when you were extrinsically motivated.
  6. Based on the book, the video, and your own experience, please discuss whether extrinsic or intrinsic motivation is more effective when it comes to forming study habits.
  7. Now think of your own eating behavior. Describe a time when eating was biologically motivated and a time when eating was motivated by an external factor.

Requirements: OTHER | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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