Decision Skills Self-Assessment

Decision Skills Self-Assessment

You will recall this Decision Skills Self-Assessment from the beginning of the course. Now that you have completed the course, it’s time to re-visit what you wrote at the beginning of the course, and answer the following questions and upload your answers:

  1. Refer to what you submitted before. How would you change your ratings now, as compared to what you wrote at the beginning of the course?
  2. What specific skills or tools have you acquired that you could apply to challenging decisions you might face in the future?
  3. What additional skills would you like to acquire, or further develop?


PRIOR ASSIGNMENT (for your reference).

Consider the two dimensions of Challenging Decisions decisions depicted below.

Decision Skills Graphic.png

Team and individual competencies can also be characterized along these two dimensions as “hard” (technical) and “soft” (social and psychological) skills. Naturally, this leads us to ask: What skills do I bring to complex decision problems? Am I a skillful leader and communicator with a deep understanding of human nature and the social, psychological, and organizational aspects of decision making? Am I a skillful analyst, mathematical modeler, and problem solver with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of value modeling and data-driven decision making?

In preparing your answers, follow the outline below exactly. This is not a free-form essay.

  1. How would you describe your own current skills and abilities in terms of the two dimensions depicted in the grid?
    • Primarily Hard Skills
    • Primarily Soft Skills
    • Both Hard and Soft Skills

Support your answers with details about your skills and why you rated yourself as you did.

  1. Given your self-assessment in Question 1, consider not where you are now, but where you would like to be eventually.
    • Are you content with the balance of skills you currently have?
    • Would you like to improve in either your hard or soft skills or both?

Provide brief background and reasons for your answers.


.doc file | Essay | 2 pages, Double spaced

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Decision Skills Self-Assessment

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