Describe current hardware- and software-based cybersecurity tools, tactics, and procedures.
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) have been thrust into the spotlight due to their advanced tactics, techniques, procedures, and tools. These APTs are resourced unlike other types of cyber threat actors.
Your chief technology officer (CTO) has formed teams to each develop a detailed analysis and presentation of a specific APT, which she will assign to the team.
This is a team assignment, and the team members that were selected by the instructor in the previous assignment will work together. It is up to the team members to decide who is responsible for contributing to the sections of the paper. Remember, if a member fails to complete his or her part of the work, the team is still responsible for all sections.
Note that you are required to complete a peer review for yourself and for each member of the team. The peer review template is provided in the Activities folder.
Your team’s report should use the Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Team Assignment Template to cover the following six areas:
For this work, do only :
Part 3: Cybersecurity Tools, Tactics, and Procedures
- Describe current hardware- and software-based cybersecurity tools, tactics, and procedures.
- Consider the hardware and software solutions deployed today in the context of defense-in-depth.
- Elaborate on why these devices are not successful against the APTs.
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