Critically describe the Costs and Benefits of college

Critically describe the Costs and Benefits of college

This first short writing assignment (about a page and a half), modified from William Coles’ book, Seeing Through Writing, will tell us something about how you perceive your present situation—being in college—and how much of that is related to financial reasons. At some point you must have speculated on the costs and benefits of this choice. You could be doing other things (working, making money, travelling, partying…) but here you are, because it’s part of an idea you probably subscribe to that going through college will give or offer you something beyond which you have now…what? What’s college “good for” — how much of your decision is related to future financial well-being or advancement, and how many of you are here for other equally or more important reasons?

Answer preview:

Benefits of college include the opportunity to make more money with a degree and are the critical determinant of the choice of attending college. One is able to attain the primary path to job opportunities that pay well and also obtain advanced skills through university education. From past graduates and other stories told an individual with a graduate degree earn much more than those with basic school. However, financial advancement is not the only reason for attending university. Opportunity to participate in the developing world with a career of choice is satisfied by attending college.
