Critical Appraisal of Single Study
Single Study Critical Appraisal Rubric ComponentPointsScore Introduction:Introduce the single study of your choice. Include the authors, year, title, journal, and type of study (qualitative or quantitative) and design (e.g. grounded theory, quasi-experimental, cohort, etc.). Include complete bibliographic information in references. Include why you chose this study.
Requirements: 5 pages excluding title page | .doc file
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Single Study Critical Appraisal Rubric Component Points Score Introduction: Introduce the single study of your choice. Include the authors, year, title, journal, and type of study (qualitative or quantitative) and design (e.g. grounded theory, quasi-experimental, cohort, etc.). Include complete bibliographic information in references. Include why you chose this study. 10 10 General Description of Study: Purpose of Study, Research Question(s) or Hypotheses, or Study Aims. Why did the authors choose to do the study? 10 10 Design & Sample: Describe the study design and the methods for sampling. 10 10 Methods: List Ethical safeguards, Independent Variable, Dependent (outcome) Variable(s), Instruments, and Analysis – was the instrumentation appropriate to answer research questions/hypothesis or discover themes? 20 20 Rapid Appraisal (Form & Narrative): Discuss the findings for Credibility, and Applicability/Generalizability, etc. 30 30 Summary & Recommendation: List Key Points from your review. Discuss level of evidence and make a recommendation on using this study evidence in practice. 10 10 Written Presentation & Peer Review: Adheres to APA guidelines and represents scholarly work. Attaches pdf of study. Completes one peer review. 10 10 Total: 100
Levels of Evidence Source (Text-Box 1.3, p. 18)
To rate Evidence for Practice, use the Rating System in Melnyk, & Fineout-Overholt text, Box 1.3, Page 18.
Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention/Treatment Questions
Level I: Evidence from a systematic review or meta-analysis of all relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
Level II: Evidence obtained from well-designed RCTs
Level III: Evidence obtained from well-designed controlled trials without randomization
Level IV: Evidence from well-designed case-control and cohort studies
Level V: Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive and qualitative studies
Level VI: Evidence from a single descriptive or qualitative study
Level VII: Evidence from the opinion of authorities and/or reports of expert committees
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