Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for.

Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for.

Mini Project- Five Forces Analysis for Segmentation:

Review the Five Forces Analysis (p. 75-76 in textbook).

1-Complete a Five Forces Analysis for the department that you work for (if you don’t work for one, find a healthcare organization and respond “Rush Copley Medical Center Aurora,”). I choose this Organization.

2-paying attention to how this might help you determine the market segmentation of the organization.

((APA format is required, Times New Roman, font 12 and double spaced))

Health Services Marketing

I have attached some materials.

The book:

Essentials of Health care marketing , FOURTH EDITION, Eric N. Berkowitz, PhD, MBA

Answer preview :

five forces analysis of rush copley medical center aurora

Word limit : 414 words