Company Overview: Apple Technology Company
Select the company you will be researching for your paper. Compose a brief paper that gives an overview of your company.
Your summary should include the following: the type of firm, the banking structure of the firm in terms of current and past investments, what industry it is in, and any relevant history or background information. Make sure to also incorporate how the firm currently structures its capital by identifying banking relationships.
Your paper must be at least two pages in length, and you must use at least two academic sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.
The following library resources may be helpful to you while completing all parts of this research project throughout the course.
Finding Articles: A Quick Start Guide
Business Research Essentials webinar
How to Find Journal Articles tutorial
Written assignments should follow the APA 7th edition format. Some of the basics include:
1” margins on all around, NO Running head only page numbers in the upper right corner of the header.
All research projects should have a cover page and a reference page (this does not count as part of the page count of the report deliverable). The APA cover page includes Title of Paper (not assignment name), Your Name, Institution, Course Number/Name, Instructor’s Name, Assignment Due Date. The Reference page includes the list of sources that were cited in the report, double-spaced with a hanging indent.
Font should be Times New Roman, Arial, or a similar font in a 11- or 12-point font size.
The report will be double-spaced throughout (no extra line spaces)
Requirements: 2 pages | .doc file
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