Communications Security for Remote Workers & Mobile Platforms
Before you begin, read: OR search for “tunneling protocols used in vpn” and choose an appropriate resource from the Internet.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to rapidly transition existing employees to a “work from home” situation. The overall success of such arrangements has encouraged many companies to adopt Work From Home (previously known as “telework” or “telecommuniting”) for all or part of the work week as a permanent strategy. In these situations, a secure means of accessing the organization’s internal networks and resources must be provided to the dispersed workforce. Virtual Private Networks are a frequently deployed technology solution capable of addressing and compensating for the myriad privacy and security concerns that arise in “Work from Home” or telecommuting situations.
VPN’s depend upon tunneling protocols as foundation technologies. For this briefing paper, identify and discuss the four main tunneling protocols that can be used to provide virtual private network access between remote users and a company’s internal (corporate) networks and resources. Provide examples of how each protocol can be used within a VPN solution.
Format: this week, your deliverable should be formatted as a 5 to 7 paragraph briefing paper. You should have an introduction, analysis sections, and an appropriate summary section. Include citations (in the text) and references (at the end) to support your work and allow your readers to fact check your analysis and conclusions.
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