Come up with a theory of your own based on your research

Come up with a theory of your own based on your research


  1. Please submit (as a text box entry) at least five (5) different questions about your Theorist and Theory based on your research and Theorist Report. These questions are to be a mix of Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-In-The-Blank questions.
  2. For each question, give the correct answer and make sure it is clearly indicated.
  3. For each question, provide incorrect answers as well.

Example Question:

1) Who was one of the prominent people that Dr. Maslow knew?

A. Karl Marx

B. Frederick Taylor

C. Douglas McGregor (Correct Answer)

D. Ronald Reagan

I need to add to the report I’ll attach another theory ( Behavior A and B ) and it will be integrated to the report.

– 1-2 pages of Behavior A and B with 3 refrences ( APA )

– Add extra info to the part 1/2 to 1 page (Description of the Social Environment of the Time) on the report the time is 1986.

– Finally a PPT presentation for the report above professional with informative points. attached photo will have the grading rubric for the PPT to follow and the report file.


Please follow the report on font, size, space, flow, citation.

Report include:

  1. Title Page
  2. Summary
  3. Table of Contents
  4. BODY of Report (incorporating Images, Figures, Graphs, Tables, and/or Charts and citations throughout)
    • Introduction of Theorist and Their Contributions
    • Theorist’s Background and Description of the Social Environment of the Time
    • Explanation of Theory and Principle Aspects of Theorist’s Contributions
    • Interpretations, Peer Reviews and Critiques of Theory by Other Subject Matter Experts and People (not the Theorist)
    • Critically Evaluate How Theorist’s Theory Can Be Applied Today (or not)
    • Concluding Remarks
  5. References on Theorist & Theory (APA citation format)
  6. Theorist’s Publications (APA citation format)
  1. Appendices (if needed, or if you chose to put your Images, Figures, Graphs, Tables, and/or Charts here instead)
Answer preview :
behavior theory
Word limit : 469