Transport and Logistics.

Discussion about UNESCO World Heritage List

Discussion about UNESCO World Heritage List Assignment Details Please visit the UNESCO World Heritage List of world heritage sites. Click on different sites within the United States and all over the world. Pick 2 sites (at least 1 should be from outside the United States) that you find particularly interesting, and focus your discussion of the following: … Read more


Article review: DEREGULATION OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION. Select an article based on the DEREGULATION OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION. After reading through the article, review the article using the following format with the headings indicated in bold below: Citation: Rhode, D. L., & Luban, D. J. (Eds.). (2006). Legal Ethics: Law Stories. New York, New York: Foundation Press Summary: The article should … Read more

Reverse Logistics within the Construction Industry

Reverse Logistics within the Construction Industry Reverse logistics topic. Write a summary of each article and then compare both in terms of (1) how each defined their specific reverse logistics topic, (2) what company or event was compared, (3) how each reached their conclusions, and (4) how their concl 2pages Answer preview: Words:650