
Tangible Gifts as a Form of Appreciation at Work

Tangible Gifts as a  Form of Appreciation at Work Prompt: If you had an employee whose Language of Appreciation was tangible gifts, how would you best motivate them? Does “tangible gifts” mean that they only communicate by receiving things? Describe. Answer preview: Words:350

Write about The African Dream

Write about The African Dream Movie 1- Gran Torino (opens in a new window) Movie 2- Good Will Hunting (opens in a new window) Post your persuasive paragraph in this forum and explain your choice to your group (click on the forum name & create a new thread, not a new forum). Your explanation should include … Read more

Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory Here are the requirements for the paper listed below. 1) any event that has been covered by the media in terms of prejudice is not allowed 2) any event that is obviously about prejudice is not allowed 3) you must use tangible examples of behavior as evidence 4) you must link behavior … Read more

Menand’s argument about privacy

Menand’s argument about privacy Louis Menand “Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?” Read Louis Menand’s New Yorker article “Why Do We Care So Much About Privacy?” before responding to the following in at least three well-developed paragraphs:● In one paragraph summarize Menand’s argument about privacy today. ● In at least one other paragraph … Read more

Journal Writing

Journal Writing I need two journals Journal 1: Choose two concepts from different chapters from the required reading or lecture associated with chapter 3 (social cognition), 5 (the self), 6 (cognitive dissonance), 4 (Social Perception), or 13 (Stereotyping). In two sentences (one sentence for each), define each concept, then tell me how those two concepts are related. … Read more

The Need to Have Equality in Schools and Colleges

The Need to Have Equality in Schools and Colleges topic 1= Everyone Should Go to College 2= The term “excessive internet use”tends to be synonymous with “asocial person” in many people’s mind. 3=Positive effects of sport These topics my friend’s topics. Maybe you could u   Answer preview Word: 1,600