
Propose an appropriate forensic treatment program for juvenile offenders

Propose an appropriate forensic treatment program for juvenile offenders Early in this course, you selected a particular group of offenders who may require specialized assessment, treatment, or testing. Now, you will finalize your proposal for an appropriate forensic treatment program for this group. Begin your proposal with an overview of the selected group. This overview … Read more

Discuss how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia.

Discuss how families and physicians should approach the treatment of infants who are born with sexually ambiguous genitalia. Background: Given the current cultural context, variations in the sexual development of infants can be treated by families and physicians as “medical emergencies.” In this paper you’ll reflect on the intersection of ethics, social expectations and medicine … Read more

Discuss the following questions on Sovereign citizens

Discuss the following questions on Sovereign citizens Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, … Read more

Compare and contrast Cultural Beliefs on mental health

Compare and contrast Cultural Beliefs on mental health In chapter 10 of Andrews and Boyle, 7th ed. (2016), overviews of mental health concerns for different cultural groups are presented (African American, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic Latino, etc). Compare and contrast your own cultural belief on mental health with one of the cultural groups presented … Read more

Discuss alcohol intoxication

Discuss alcohol intoxication Instructions: During this class you will be required to review professional journal articles and complete a review on your selected article. A sample paper with formatting is attached along instructions on how to find the article in Galileo. Articles must be from a professional psychology journal but can be on any topic you … Read more

The Lonely American Man

The Lonely American Man First essay; american-masculinity-creates-lonely-men Listen to the Hidden Brain podcast, The Lonely American Man. Summarize & explain 3 statistics, studies or theories shared in the podcast. Do any ofthese surprise you? Do you agree or disagree with them? The Lonely American Man; Boys get the message at a young age: don’t show … Read more

Write about the role of health in society.

Write about the role of health in society. You will write a brief paper on the health & society. Students will focus on one of the related videos for this assignment, either breastfeeding or teeth. Focus on what can be done to address concerns in society about your topic.By using concrete examples and drawing upon … Read more