
Discuss the case of alcoholic parents and future risk factor of their kids

Discuss the case of alcoholic parents and future risk factor of their kids Final Literature Review Paper 1. Introduction (1 – 1 pages) 1) State the significance of the problem you will address (Identify the scope of your study problem and address the impact of your study problem on your study population by stating negative or positive consequences of the problem). 2. Literature Review (3 – 4 pages) 1) Conduct a … Read more

A written response on a job description.

A written response on a job description. As I think about my current job description, I believe a lot of changes need to be made. The changes that need to be made are classroom size and parental involvement requirements. If teachers had to agree and pick one major change, then the classroom size would be … Read more

Write an essay about recruitment methods.

Write an essay about recruitment methods. Prompt: Research five (5) companies/organizations’ websites on how they recruit individuals into their companies/organizations. Rate them from highest to lowest and explain why you rated them that way emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. Requirements: 500 words minimum word limit: 650 

Write an essay on child growth and development.

Write an essay on child growth and development. Early childhood includes children who are yet to join formal education at the age of 3 to 6. Children at this stage develop in different ways as indicated in the chapter. The chapter summary is discussed in the paper. The discussion is laid out as follows: word … Read more

Discussion about tobacco use on health.

Discussion about tobacco use on health. Instructions Download either the Obesity Maps or Tobacco Maps. Compose a critical analysis essay using the following guidelines: Provide a description of the health issue, either obesity or tobacco use, depending on which set of maps you chose. Discusses the trends you see in the maps based on the … Read more

Discuss the background and treatment of depression.

Discuss the background and treatment of depression. This week you should have read Chapter 12, which tends to be a favorite as it discusses psychological disorders. This week select one of the disorders in the chpater and provide the following: – Background of the disorder to include history or changes about the disorder over time – … Read more

Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man.

Write an essay about the meaning of life for the modern man. TOLSTOY AND WEBER ON THE MEANING FOR LIFE FOR THE MODERN MAN Weber finds that modern science produces “the disenchantment of the world” as explained on pages 12-13, through its rational and calculative method. Weber then starts to worry that some may be … Read more

Write an essay about understanding love.

Write an essay about understanding love. The topics for the paper, if you choose to write on Frankfurt’s The Reasons of Love are listed below. Choose one essay topic. All the questions are to be answered from a close reading and explication of Harry Frankfurt’s Reasons of Love. TOPIC ONE: For our author, what is … Read more

Discuss Essential Coaching Skills and their Benefits in Conflict Resolution

Discuss Essential Coaching Skills and their Benefits in Conflict Resolution Your new-found ability to impact others through coaching is now a tangible tool you can use. Based off of that growth in this class, discuss what you have learned. Share specifics and how those specifics will be applied both in your degree and also your … Read more