Political Science

Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution

Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution Discuss the principles and articles of the United States constitution .Principles of the Constitution.The constitution consists of some primary principles. Briefly explain the following principles and their significance in shaping American government.  Self-Government:  Separation of Powers:  Checks and Balances: Part II: Balance … Read more

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement

Addresses the issue of disenfranchisement The question this week addresses the issue of disenfranchisement. This means either an actual bar to voting or an affect on their ability to vote. You should consider this both in the macro and micro perspectives. If you are poor, can’t afford a car or have to work two jobs, … Read more

Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030

Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030 Role of Technology on Saudi’s Vision 2030.Compose a critical analysis of a journal article related to Saudi Vision 2030, which you locate in the Saudi Digital Library. Your essay must include the following: Title page; Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply and succinctly introduces the topic); Body … Read more

How would you describe the key features of the emerging global security environment

How would you describe the key features of the emerging global security environment National Security Final Exam For your final exam, you will pick TWO of the four questions below and address them 1. A critical 21st century challenge will be maintaining and reinforcing the critical relationship between government, military and people specified by Clausewitz’s … Read more

Describe the Australian liberal democratic system

Describe the Australian liberal democratic system Describe the Australian liberal democratic system .Liberal Democracies can take various forms. These types of political systems support both collectively owned institutions and a free market economy.Q: Does Australia’s liberal democratic system enhance the well-being (rights and freedoms) of its citizens? Critically discuss your answer by considering the following: … Read more

What are some of the historical and contemporary barriers to voting

What are some of the historical and contemporary barriers to voting What are some of the historical and contemporary barriers to voting? What accounts for the low level of participation in texas?  What are the arguments for and against voter identification laws? Should a student I.d. be an acceptable form of identification for voting?  What … Read more