
Joining Economic Rationality with Psychology in Decision Making-Response

Joining Economic Rationality with Psychology in Decision Making-Response I will venture a guess that you never expected to see the word neuroscience used in an economics course, yet here it is describing the tenants of behavioral economics. Richard Thaler has now won a Nobel Prize developing the theory on this new approach to economic decision … Read more

Inflation and Unemployment-Discussion.

Inflation and Unemployment-Discussion. Think of this assignment as a debate. Your reading on the topic of unemployment and inflation should give you enough insights to pick your arguments and to find evidence or research to support your point of view in the matter. We have recently seen what a global pandemic can do to the … Read more

Discussion about Market Structures

Discussion about Market Structures Give me one example of one company and how market structure ( monopoly, oligopoly…) has impacted a firm’s strategic behavior. Short answers 1. Why are the concepts of own and cross-price elasticities of demand essential to competitor identification and market definition? 2. How would you characterize the nature of competition in … Read more

Essay topic about Economic anthropology

Essay topic about Economic anthropology Topic below. Marcel Mauss argued that there is no such thing as a “free gift”. What, according to Mauss, are the issues involved in gift giving? Discuss Kula as a total social phenomenon. What do social theorists mean when they speak of a total social phenomenon? What is the basic … Read more

Translation exposure: Multinational finance

Translation exposure: Multinational finance Week 9 chapter11 definition assignment Please watch the following video Take notes while watching the video. Upload your answers in Word here. Answer preview: word limit:455  

Essay Topic: Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility in a Country

Essay Topic: Costs and Benefits of Labor Mobility in a Country The Saudi Arabian economy has developed with the use of large numbers of expatriate workers. In a critical essay, indicate the benefits and risks associated with the dependence on large numbers of expatriate workers. Should Saudi Arabia seek to include or exclude labor mobility … Read more

Trade, Interdependence, and Security in Asia

Trade, Interdependence, and Security in Asia Project Details Paper Topic : Security Assignment Style : Harvard Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Assessment Deadline : 1 Days Academic Level : Graduate Level Number of words : 3000 Number of Sources Answer preview: word limit:2760

Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis

Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis Here are the steps of the assignment: Find an article that discusses a change, or changes, in a macro economy. It could mention recent changes in inflation, unemployment, GDP, or something else. It may be in reference to the U.S. economy, or it could discuss another economy. You have … Read more

Critical Thinking: Trade barriers

Critical Thinking: Trade barriers In a critical essay, evaluate trade barriers. Why do countries impose trade barriers? What is the effect of trade barriers on the trade balance, the employment, and the economic growth? Now choose a country (other than Saudi Arabia) and evaluate the arguments for and against erecting trade barriers in your chosen … Read more

Critical Thinking Case studies: Jadawel

Critical Thinking Case studies: Jadawel Critical Thinking Case studies: “Jadawel” a major retailer of household products in Saudi Arabia, had experienced steady growth during the past ten years since inception i.e. 2009. Mr. Badar, Marketing manager of the company has left the company in 2019. Mr. Hesham al Harby, who was working with Mr. Badr … Read more