
“DRE” exercise assignment.

“DRE” exercise assignment. Watch the first segment of the video below which is about the film “They Live” (timecode: 01:00-07:52). It is not necessary to view the remainder of the film for this class, though many students find this entire video to be quite insightful. The main point I wish for you to draw from … Read more

Interview a person from a different culture (Chinese)

Interview a person from a different culture (Chinese) Interview a person from another culture – from China Background information Family to interview I will like to interview an Asian family particularly a Chinese family. This family lives in New Hope and they have been my neighbor for about five years. I became close to this … Read more

Discussion: Cultural Borders and the Single Story

Discussion: Cultural Borders and the Single Story For our TED discussion this week, I want us to watch one of my favorite talks by Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This talk is pretty widely seen, so you may have even watched it before. This TED talk doesn’t necessarily clearly define cultural borders, but it does … Read more

Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success

Ted talk discussion-Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success DIRECTIONS: For our TED Talk discussion this week, please watch the following video where we continue the discussion on grit and academic success. This impassioned talk, Bettina Love, professor of Education, explains how students who identify with Hip Hop culture have been ignored or deemed deficient in … Read more

Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions: Growing Up Trans

Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions: Growing Up Trans Write 2 thoughtful paragraphs answering the following questions: From the movie “Growing Up Trans, (Links to an external site.)” what are some of the challenges faced by transgender kids and their parents? How transgender individuals develop a gender identity? Identify biological, social and cultural factors. … Read more

Topic: Cultural Aspects of Two US EL Student Population

Topic: Cultural Aspects of Two US EL Student Population 6-8 pages double spaced using the resources provide in the culture task file use the Example outline to meet fulfill the Rubric. Look up two cultures and share about the three areas— language, tradition, socioeconomic… it is not a comparison paper. Follow the out line. Paper … Read more

Corporate Culture and Change Discussion.

Corporate Culture and Change Discussion. This competency will allow you to investigate the influence leaders have on business culture and how it can impact change. Instructions- In your continued role as NoJax’s organizational behavior consultant, you will examine their culture and how management can help employees adjust to change. You will need to use the … Read more

Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation

Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation Paper 2: Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Why are these important concepts to understand within an organization? Instructions: Need minimum 300 words No References required Use side headings to address the content according to … Read more

Reflection: Culture and Community

Reflection: Culture and Community Reflection: You will need to write a reflection about your experience in the workshop. Think about the workshop. What did you learn ? Your reflection must include the following: What is the title of the workshop? What date and time was the workshop help? Who presented the workshop? What did you … Read more

The Pedagogy of the Oppressed Graphic Organizer

The Pedagogy of the Oppressed Graphic Organizer  Working Through Frerie: DIRECTIONS: To make sure we are understanding what the author is trying to say, please fill out the graphic organizer worksheet below. It might not be an easy assignment, and you will probably have to go back through the text carefully, but all I ask … Read more