
Small Group Discussion: “Defining American”

Small Group Discussion: “Defining American” Directions: For small group discussion this week I want you to watch a short, informative video entitled “Defining American” by The Future of StoryTelling and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas which centers around cultural borders and the topic of immigration. After you have watched the video, please answer … Read more

Discussion: The Cultural Power of Food and Dance

Discussion: The Cultural Power of Food and Dance For our video discussion this week, I want us to watch two videos centered on two of what I believe are the biggest parts of someone’s culture: food and dance. The first video is a short film (PBS Short Film Festival) called “Sweetheart Dancers” focusing on “Sean … Read more

Description of the Tibetan Book of the Dead

Description of the Tibetan Book of the Dead Write a brief paper describing ONE of the following: (1) The Tibetan Book of the Dead; (2) The Egyptian Book of the Dead; (3) The Epic of Gilgamesh; (4) Zoroaster and Death; (4) Hel and Valhalla in Norse Legend. Make sure to cite your sources and to … Read more

Discuss The Power of Code Switching

Discuss The Power of Code Switching Katelynn Duggins (TEDx) | “To Code Switch or Not to Code Switch? That is the Question.” Lera Boroditsky (TED) | “How Language Shapes the Way We Think” Transcript Matt Thompson (NPR) | “Five Reasons Why People Code Switch” Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch.pdf Minimize File Preview Then, answer the following questions in journal form: … Read more

SABIC Chemical Manufacturing Company summary.

SABIC Chemical Manufacturing Company summary. Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization. Given this understanding, we need to research … Read more

The European and Northern Renaissance

The European and Northern Renaissance Choose one question from Section 1 on the European Renaissance and one question from Section 2 on the Northern Renaissance. Post your ideas by Thursday. If you come to the discussion after there are postings, try to answer a question that has not already been answered. Respond to two students … Read more

What are Cultural Borders?

What are Cultural Borders? DIRECTIONS: This journal is split into two parts. Make sure to complete both for this journal assignment. Part I In our last unit, we talked about educational borders. Now, we will switch gears, and think about a different kind of border, a cultural border. These borders, like our educational ones, aren’t … Read more

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz.

“Leaving Your Name at the Border” by Manuel Muñoz. DIRECTIONS: This week we are starting Project 2 on Cultural Borders. As we have talked about a little bit now, language can create a cultural border. The way we perceive and pronounce names can contribute to that. We are starting this unit by reading “Leaving Your … Read more

My First and Second Language-Annotation Worksheet

My First and Second Language-Annotation Worksheet DIRECTIONS: To continue the theme and how much language plays a part In creating a cultural border, the second reading for our unit is a memoir piece by Arab-Australian poet Omar Sakr. This piece centers on the deep well that language and memory play is creating culture, and also … Read more

What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture?

What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture? DIRECTIONS Write a response of two or three well-developed paragraphs. Aim for a posting of 150 to 250 words when answering the following question. What are the most distinctive landmarks of African culture? How do these reflect the preservation of cultural values? Answer preview: word limit:250