
Portraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation

 Portraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation Topic: Portraiture and representations of Religious figures and their interpretation (these could be self-portraits, too) Words:1200-1500 words In a separate file (Word or PDF preferred), you will turn in a description of the exhibition. This document will consist of an introduction (tell us about your theme, and how … Read more

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought To continue our discussion of cultural borders, I want us to watch a TED talk by Turkish author Elif Shafak. “In this passionate, personal talk, she reminds us that there are no binaries, in politics, emotions and our identities. ‘One should never, ever remain silent for fear of complexity,’ … Read more

Vesuvius Analysis

Vesuvius Analysis Write a 2-3 pages with this instructions. These are not music theory or music history assignments, but an opportunity for you to investigate this music, and do some creative thinking and writing (your writing may include as much music theory and history as you like, however). We are not looking for a specific … Read more

Genres of Popular Culture and Mind Control- Assignment.

Genres of Popular Culture and Mind Control- Assignment. For those who start a fresh thread: Introduce a text from popular culture, where one gains access to the thoughts of others, and use it to address the following questions: What genre does the text fit into? What would you say it says (what commentary does it make) … Read more

The Buddhist and Hindu Religion Concept

The Buddhist and Hindu Religion Concept Two cities of worship for two different religions that you need to place into dialogue 1. Buddhist (Zen Shin meditation; livestream Sundays 9-10 am; registration needed) 2. Hindu Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago (Lemont), livestream and recordings, (1800-2000 words, about 6 pp) These online “visits” will serve as … Read more

Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks.

Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks. Discussion 1 What is Shafak’s thesis or main points? Do you agree with her? Why or why not? Shafak’s main points are to never remain silent for fear of complexity. Also in her TedTalk, she pointing out about being feminist and stand strong in what you believe in. … Read more

Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity.

Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity. Please read the Anderson et al article- “Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity. “. While reading the article consider the below questions. ARTICLE LINK IS BELOW. MUST BE WRITTEN IN APA. https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.ama… Be sure to use the keywords you learned from Chapters on … Read more

Response to Partner on cultural borders and identity.

Response to Partner on cultural borders and identity. Step 4: Once you are done commenting, go onto the next page (add a new page to the writer’s essay) and answer the following questions: Does the writer begin with a story? Is it an effective story? What details could the writer add to it? Does the writer … Read more

The Atheistic Stance

The Atheistic Stance Please confine your report to 500 words and cite passages from specific readings to substantiate your arguments. Submit your report in the dropbox below in the form of a word document. You will be graded on the following rubric: 1. Clear, cogent discussion; 3 2. Use of relevant examples drawn from the text: … Read more