American Studies

Identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire

Identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire Directions: Watch the following film PBS Latino Americans (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and identify themes discussed in the film with the chapter Revolution in Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire and lecture PPT. Episode 4: The New Latinos: 20:43-46:26 [cite: … Read more

Drafting of the U.S Constitution

Drafting of the U.S Constitution on the creation and value of historical inquiry as it relates to the work you have done on your first two projects”…what does the first two projects relate to? This assignment provides you with an opportunity to brainstorm for and plan your Multimedia Presentation that you will create for Project … Read more

2020 Presidential Candidates

Write an argument for why the students in class should vote for that particular candidate Subject: Re: A. Write an argument for why the students in class should vote for that particular candidate. Include Grounds Warrant and Claim and a source citation.B. For that candidate, write three resolutions: one fact, one value and one policy. … Read more

What is the difference between a value and a political ideology

What is the difference between a value and a political ideology Re: Federal Government – Test 2 from Chapters 5-8 of “We The People, Eleventh Essentials Edition. Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore J. 1. Some contend that while Americans may be divided by ideology or opinion, they are united by fundamental political values. Describe these core values … Read more


Subject: Re: Landmark us Supreme court cases Research landmark U.S. Supreme Court cases that addressed civil rights and slavery on the Important Supreme Court Cases for Civil Rights web page. Choose one for the basis of this assignment. Summarize the details of the case. Explain how the Bill of Rights addressed the facts of the case. Explain the outcome of the case. … Read more

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated

Arguments Why Guns Should be Tightly Regulated Subject: Re: Persuasive Outline-Gun Regulation Claim: Gun ownership should be tightly regulated. Reason: because doing so can reduce guns falling in the wrong hands and prevent tragedies. Answer preview: Words:800