American Studies

Political Parties and the Party System in United States

Political Parties and the Party System in United States The 5-6 page introduction paper will be on “Political Parties and the Party System in the U.S.” Remember, this is only an introduction paper so the goal is to stay broad and general, introducing the subject to your audience. Imagine you are explaining to your friends … Read more

Discussion Post: U.S. Financial Reporting is stuck in the Twentieth Century

Discussion Post: U.S. Financial Reporting is stuck in the Twentieth Century Read the article, “U.S. Financial Reporting Is Stuck in the 20th Century”. Once you have read the article, discuss your supported opinions on whether or not you agree, with specific examples and thoughts to support your opinion. It needs to be at least 300 … Read more

Write an essay on Modern U.S Governance

Write an essay on Modern U.S Governance Research and write a short analysis of the globalization of one place in the present. Specifically, your case study should identify, describe and analyze the present state or condition of a place (for example, why is Somalia a failed state?), or identify and analyze a significant/noteworthy event or … Read more

Writing Question- Languages and Cultures of America.

Writing Question- Languages and Cultures of America. IGN 8 — Languages and Cultures of America Linguistic Autobiography For this assignment, you will connect your experience as a user of one or more American language to concepts covered throughout this course. Think about how your experience as a speaker of a language (or languages) has been formed … Read more

Economics Question- Failure of the Gold Standard Program

Economics Question- Failure of the Gold Standard Program In the paper “The Gold Standard and the Great Depression” by Temin and Eichengreen (on blackboard), the authors argue that the gold standard “mentality” contributed to the severity of the great depression. Explain their argument. What do they mean by the mentality of the gold standard? What … Read more

History Question- The Significance of the Frontier in American History.

History Question- The Significance of the Frontier in American History. The United States like most societies and nations has a story surrounding its creation. One story is that the US began in 1776 with the American Revolution (ie the Historian on Housewives (HonH) podcast). Another myth is that the musical Hamilton is an accurate portrayal … Read more