Determine an ethical dilemma that the company has faced as it
decides what SDGs to commit to and how the business practices of the company therefore must change.
For this assignment you will determine an ethical dilemma that the company has faced as it
decides what SDGs to commit to and how the business practices of the company therefore
must change. Please carefully and thoroughly review the instructions in the Exam #2
assignment. This should be written in the formula of "Should business person X do Y?
1) So, you will google Bank J. Safra Sarasin and read through their REPORTS then find one
problem that they are facing.
2) Read through their 16 SDGs and fine one that related to the problem and make an
ethical question about it starting with “ Should x do Y “
3) So I need to find THREE reports and make THREE questions
4) FOR EXAMPLE: i found one report about corruption related to bank j safra Sarasin and I
made an ethical question which was “ should bank j safra Sarasin clear their reputation
to comply with the AML requirements ?
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