Business Analytics Proposal

Business Analytics Proposal

Write an APA 7 style professional proposal using the methods described in the links following this. The proposal should be at least 1,000 words. You may choose from one of the following, or anything related to data analytics, that interests you:

1. Returns to Amazon, Returns to Costco

2. Telematics

3. Cyber risk

4. Risks in using Zoom

5. Pros and cons of settling claims quickly

6. Covid19

7. or a mutually agreed topic

Either write broadly on your chosen topic without too much depth or write in more detail on a specific area within your topic

APA 7 Professional Proposal Should Include the Following Sections:

1. Title Page

2. Introduction/Abstract

  • Background and Context
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Questions
  • Relevance and Importance of the Research

3. Literature review

  • Key Concepts, Theories, and Studies
  • Key Debates and Controversies
  • Gaps in Existing Knowledge

4. Research design and methods

  • Research Design
  • Methods and Sources
  • Practical Considerations

5. Implications and contributions to knowledge

  • Practical Implications
  • Theoretical Implications

6. References

  • Include at least 6 references

7. Research schedule

See on detailed template of the requirements.

Formatting Guidelines

  • 12-point font Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced
  • 1-inch margins
  • An APA running head – shortened title, all caps limited to 50 characters, in the upper left corner of each page
  • Page number at the top right of each page
  • A title page with the paper’s title (no more than 12 words in length), your name, supervisors name, department and the name of your institution
  • An abstract (150-250 words), centered and bolded at the top of the page
  • Follow the abstract with a short list of key words
  • In-text citations (formatted accordingly to APA 7 guidelines)
  • References page (formatted accordingly to APA 7 guidelines)
  • Include at least 6 references

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