Business Admission Case Writing

Business Admission Case Writing


Demonstrate your ability to analyze a case, synthesize and apply tools and frameworks to evaluate options and reach a recommendation for a firm. Develop an action plan for implementation that will help management successfully implement your recommendation. Demonstrate your proficiency in business writing and communication.

This case memo also requires you to prepare a balanced scorecard for the BVNC leadership team. As you have learned this week, a balanced scorecard is an essential tool for performance measurement and keeping track of how implementation of a strategic decision is going. When done properly the scorecard can also be a linking tool — showing how overall strategic goals are linked to specific initiatives and outcomes. These metrics can then be leading indicators of success for a company’s leaders, rather than waiting for traditional financial reports that are important, but lagging, indicators of success. Practicing how to develop a scorecard and articulate meaningful metrics takes time, so the purpose of this assignment is to get you started developing one.


Use Case #4 for this assignment: “The Black New Venture Championship”, Karen Mills, Jeffrey J. Bussgang, Martin Sinozich, and Gabriella Elanbeck. Harvard Business School, September 29, 2020, 24 p. Item # 9-821-029.


Read the case provided. Use the preparation questions provided to help you analyze the multiple dimensions of the case.

Consider the case question you are being asked to answer. Then, using your best critical thinking and business writing skills, develop your own analysis of the situation facing the firm and an evaluation of the options it should consider. Formulate a recommendation and provide a prioritized action plan for implementation.

Submit your memo to Canvas in a PDF format so you do not lose any of your formatting. Your executive memo should be no more than two (2) single-spaced pagesThe required balanced scorecard appendix does not count against this two page limit.


Kimberly Foster and Tyler Simpson are preparing the final agenda for the BNVC leadership team transition meeting next weekend. The focus of the meeting is to discuss programming, investment and growth options for the event that will have a positive outcome. What should be changed, how, and what will are the ways to measure the impact?

As members of Foster and Simpson’s BVNC leadership team for the recently completed 2020 event, they have asked you to meet ahead of the meeting and come with your own recommendations, using the ideas already brainstormed or others that you think are viable. In particular are there elements of the BVNC process that should be modified, e.g. team recruiting and marketing, VF evaluation, eligibility criteria, judging criteria, judging composition? Should the program retain its tech focus or be expanded? What role should BTMS continue to have and should this program be expanded (and if so, where and how)? What should be done to build additional external engagement in sponsorship, judges and awareness? Are there parts of the programming BNVC should stop doing? Don’t just bring recommendations, but a prioritized implementation/action plan so work can start right away.

Since Foster and Simpson also know that BVNC must start to show its impact if it wants to continue, also provide a complete balanced scorecard for BVNC – for impact of your recommendations. The balanced scorecard does not count in your two single spaced page limit.


undefinedworth 100 points.undefined

In the rubric below you will see that there are points noted for individual line items (4,3,2,1). Just ignore those. Since some of the criteria for grading correlate to overall College learning goals and outcomes, the points noted by line item are only used for College assessment purposes. Your final assignment grade is the combination of the overall rubric categories — assessment, recommendations, action plan, and presentation.


In framing your answer to the case question, you may find it helpful to consider the following preparation questions. Do not answer these one by one in your memo, but use them to help unpack the issues outlined in the case:

oWhat do you think of the BVNC value proposition?

oWhat is your assessment of the value BVNC creates?

oHow worried should BVNC be about the other business plan competitions held on the Harvard campus?

oWhat resources and capabilities has BVNC built in its first year? What needs to be done to reinforce and improve on these? What is missing that could impede its ability?

oHow does BVNC encourage greater progress against the structural and decision- making biases within the existing venture capital industry?

Above is the information and requirements for this week’s case discussion, and I will also send you some lecture slides from this course for you to prepare.


Please make sure that the only source you are using is the case that I send to you, DO NOT use any outside resources. Thank you!

Here is the main grading part. Please pay attention and make sure you meet all these parts.

Part 1. Assessment, Application and Evaluation:Learning Goal 1A: Apply relevant data analytic tools, quantitative and quantitative methods, theories and frameworks to identify, analyze, and solve business problems

Include details of : 1. Assesses and evaluates external dynamics in market and industry issues, 2. Assesses and evaluates internal company context and issues, 3. Provides evidence for statements and clarifies assumptions.4. Demonstrates ability to apply tools or frameworks and integrate towards conclusions) .

Part 2: Recommendations & Decision Analysis: Learning Goal 1C: Consider multiple and divergent perspectives to analyze and solve problems

Include details of : 1. Articulates and evaluates options. 2. Proposes and supports recommendations

Part 3: Action Plan:

Include details of :1. Identifies elements of implementation that demonstrate company can execute successfully.

2. Builds complete action plan

Part 4: Presentation & Writing

include details of : 1. Clarifies point of view and focuses audience connection. 2. Uses appropriate format and design elements while using precise and professional language and tone

Requirements: MLA | Essay | 2 pages, Single spaced

Answer preview:

word limit:814