Assignment on Accessibility Evaluation

Assignment on Accessibility Evaluation

1. After watching the Ed Roberts Campus videos, paraphrase what you learned. Explain the features of the campus that surprised you. Who was Ed Roberts and what values did he encompass? What is important about this campus?

2. Think about your career path, the nature of the work, the environment you may work in and the people you might work with. In what ways is access a feature of that environment? In what ways is access not valued or provided? (my career path is the law field, as a lawyer)

3. What are some solutions to any lack of access in your projected career field, tools of your trade, work environments, and opportunities for full inclusion and contribution?

4.Compare and contrast two real places that showcase poor accessibility and excellent accessibility. You may use online images or go out into your community and environments. Describe the features of both places and how they are accessible or inaccessible. Elaborate on the features that make the environment accessible to some and potentially inaccessible to others. Include a photo of each example.

must be a 2-3 page essay and make sure you cite from the two videos I provided below and make sure to answer all questions above. I provided my career path in bold on question 2

Requirements: 2-3 page essay

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