Assessment- Women Peace and Security at the UN
In this seminar, we will cover the genesis and development of the Women,
Peace and Security agenda, discuss some of the key actors and issues, and
explore some of the tensions that have emerged over the past 20 years of
WPS activity. We will also discuss the role of National Action Plans (NAPs) in
implementing the WPS agenda at state and regional levels.
Required readings
Kirby, Paul and Laura J. Shepherd (2016) ‘The Futures Past of the Women,
Peace and Security Agenda download’, International Affairs. 92(2): 373-
Shepherd, Laura J. (2016) ‘Making war safe for women?
downloadNational Action Plans and the militarisation of the women, peace
and security agenda’, International Political Science Review, 37(4): 324-335.
True, Jacqui (2016) ‘Explaining the global diffusion of the Women, Peace and
Security agenda download’, International Political Science Review, 37(3):
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