Assessment – Learner profile and research essay.

Assessment item 2 – Learner profile and research essay.

Project Details
Paper Topic : Assessment item 2 – Learner profile and research essay
Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.)
Type of Assignment : Essay
Acedemic Level : Undergraduate Level Number of words : 2500
Number of Sources : 7
Order Instructions
Assessment item 2 – Learner profile and research essay There are two parts to this assignment. Please complete both parts. Part A 20% 1000 words Write a 1000 word learner profile which considers a teaching/learning situation you know, or that you can envisage. It might be where you currently work, or where you have worked, or somewhere that you are given access to. Within this context there will be learners with particular characteristics – either as a group, or individuals. Remember that we are generalising here: all learners are different and their needs are not entirely predictable, but for the purposes of this assignment, we want you to consider characteristic groups of learners and their challenges. Please write the response on: • students currently completing vocational training who require LLN (Language, Literacy and Numeracy support Research the needs of your chosen group. This research might be primary as well as secondary: that is, you might link in with an agency or RTO (Registered Training Organisation) or community group which delivers LLN to adult students, and observe a session and/or talk to teachers, as well as using the usual secondary sources, such as journal articles, books, research findings, websites, and so forth. Write up what you have found out, not limited to the following points: 1. motivation and attitude to learning 2. barriers to learning (which may be personal, linguistic, cognitive, situational, financial, geographical or other factors) 3. resilience and confidence Briefly (no more than 150 words of your 1000 words) comment on what your initial approach might be, assuming you were assigned to teach this group. Discuss your approach in terms of language, literacy and numeracy aspects of learning, not just adult learning in general. Part B 40% 1500-2000 words Write a short essay in response to Research, then discuss and evaluate the notion of scaffolding in developing students’ skills and knowledge in adult LLN. Why might careful scaffolding be effective in extending students? Give examples of how you might scaffold a particular literacy or numeracy task. You may link your answer to Part B to your response in Part A if you wish. RATIONALE This assessment assesses the following learning outcome/s: be able to discuss the relationship between language, literacy and numeracy skills to the social, ethnic and economic experiences of individual learners or groups of learners in Adult and Vocational education. be able to analyse and describe the language, literacy and numeracy demands of the workplace. This assignment requires you to demonstrate your knowledge of the English language, literacy and numeracy needs of a specific student cohort. It also requires you to evaluate concepts and teaching strategies and approaches that affect student progress. Please use references from the attached word document.

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