Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity.

Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity.

Please read the Anderson et al article- “Anderson et. al. Short-Term Study Abroad and Intercultural sensitivity. “. While reading the article consider the below questions. ARTICLE LINK IS BELOW. MUST BE WRITTEN IN APA.


Be sure to use the keywords you learned from Chapters on Survey Research, Experimental Design, and Quasi-Experimental Designs. I’m looking for responses that indicate your understanding of the types of variables, research strategies, and threats to validity. Please be specific and use key vocabulary words in your response/ critique of the article.

Respond to ALL of the following Discussion Questions:

1) What is the purpose of this study?

2.) What are the Independent and Dependent variables?

3.) How are the IVs and DVs being measured? What are the levels of measurement?

4.) Is this a true experiment or a quasi-experiment? Was random assignment to conditions used?

5.) What were some of the limitations of this study? What threats to validity were present in the study?

6.) How could this study have been improved? How would you address the limitations and threats to validity?

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Please answer all of the above questions.

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