Analyze current issues in managerial ethics.

Analyze current issues in managerial ethics.

Analyze a current issue in the field using current articles within the last 30-60 days from the popular press, including electronic resource databases. The article topics will be based on current or past chapter readings. Identify your article topic to a subject in the textbook, and identify the chapter(s) that covers the topic.

For example, if you find an article on Managerial Ethics than state that the article topic is related to chapter four. The purpose for identifying a chapter(s) is to ensure you are selecting topics related to the course materials. OTHER BLOG SOURCES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, because blogs are the author’s opinions. Very similar to what you will be doing for this assignment.

Here are a few examples of acceptable sources:

  • Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
  • Harvard Business Review (HBR)
  • Times Business Week
  • Forbes
  • Businessworld Success
  • Entrepreneur
  • Leadership
  • Venture INC.
  • Newspaper, particularly the business section

• If you use on-line publications, provide the full URL address.

• A ‘minimum’ 350 words article review is required, and will be posted as a Blog section of Blackboard.

• In addition to the review, it is expected that you provide critical and/or creative applications; usually this is applied at the end of the article review. The essay should be rich in content – full of thought, insight, and analysis. Include a sub-heading, Critical/Creative Thoughts. Examples of some critical/creative thinking can be: What you would do differently? What creative ideas would you implement? What other resources can you compare/contrast the article, etc.

• Respond to one (1) other peer posting. The response must be a minimum of 6 sentences.

• Post Homework in the Blog section of Blackboard.

• Note: Blackboard times out after 90 minutes; therefore, I suggest you write your article review in ‘Word’ than copy and paste into the submission box.

• Refer to Homework Rubric at the end of the syllabus for maximum points.

1. Original work must be free of grammar errors

2. Proper citation and acknowledgement is required (APA or MLA)

Answer preview :

current issues in managerial ethics

Word limit : 471 words