An opinion about what I believe about what happens after an individual dies.

An opinion about what I believe about what happens after an individual dies.

Maximum 1000 words. Having looked at the problem of death from multiple perspectives—religious, philosophical, medical—what do YOU believe? How do you now answer the question “What happens when someone dies?”

For the purpose of this assignment, THERE IS NO ONE RIGHT OR WRONG ANSWER. This is not a research paper. But this is an assignment that requires you to state an opinion, to choose a side (as it were), to take a stand, and to defend it. Any paper that contains a phrase like, “there are many possibilities” or “nobody knows” will flunk on the spot. I already know that there are many possibilities and that everything that is said about death and the state of the dead is in some way provisional. What I do not know is what YOU believe, and that is what I am interested in seeing you articulate as clearly as possible in the short space that is allowed.

Answer preview:

To provide an opinion about what I believe about what happens after an individual dies.

word limit:893