An Interview with an Elderly

An Interview with an Elderly

Review the Video!AlPx3-M_5dG9gfhDTwoiUfrGxY3bcw…

Organize your paper with the following headings:

Used headings:

Introduction -describe the person.

Body -structured narrative with open-ended and closed-ended questions. What open-ended and closed-ended questions did you hear? What did you think about the responses?

Conclusion -reflected on conversation in meaningful way related to lifespan concepts.

You can use open-ended or closed-ended questions.

Example open-ended questions:

Describe your childhood?

What was it like growing up in…?

How did you go about…?

Example close-ended questions:

Where were you born?

When did you get married or divorced?

The goal is to observe a lifespan review and for you to reflect on those experiences.

Elder Interview Rubric

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An Interview with an Elderly

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