Describe a world of work silver statement

Describe a world of work silver statement

World of Work Silver Statement

What does Organisational Awareness mean? To be knowledgeable about the organisation and sector
you are considering as an employment option: how it functions, the environment it operates in and who its customers are.
Why is this important? Increasing your organisational awareness will allow you to make informed decisions about the type of work you wish to secure. By ensuring that your own values and ethics match those of an organisation, you are taking a significant step towards employment which will
be motivating and rewarding. Also, employers will be looking for evidence that you understand their organisation, at both application and interview stages. They want applicants who care about what their organisation does, how it does it and who have considered whether they will fit in well.
To assess this, employers will ask questions such as:
■ Why do you want to enter this industry?
■ What do you know about our organisation?
■ What are our main products/services?
■ What do you think the job you would be doing involves?
■ What are the challenges facing our industry at this time?
■ What changes have there been in our industry recently?
■ Who are our competitors? What are the differences between them and us?
■ Who are our clients?
■ How do you keep up to date with current issues in the sector?


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