A Hand up Hub Providing Shelter and Services to Homeless Youths

A Hand up Hub Providing Shelter and Services to Homeless Youths

As an Environmental Psychologist you have been commissioned to design an area of a city
focusing on evidence-based principles such as placemaking; sustainability; and resilience.
Topic is: A Hand up Hub providing shelter and services to those who are homeless

1: Identify the population eg: age range, special needs or requirements. – DO YOUTH
2: What is the purpose of the space – related project? SAFE SPACE FOR HOMELESS YOUTH TO
3: Identify the theories that may help to inform your response to the topic:
Here are some theories:
Place attachment theory (very relevant to an existing clinic being revamped)

Goal-framing theory
Probabilistic functionalism (lens model)
Theory of Affordances (Gibson model)
Theory of collative properties (Daniel berlyne)
Theory of spatial cognition
Social design theory Overload theory
Westins theory of privacy
Biophilia hypothesis

4: Identify the project design based on the theory or theories decided on

1) Give a BRIEF introduction.
 provide a brief overview of the project
 provide information relevant to the background of the project (e.g., identify the
problem and the context in which the problem occurs).
2) Specify the space/program that you have chosen to design
3) Identify the people that will use this space or are the target of your project.
4) Identify the activities that will take place in this space or will form part of your
project (a concise overview).

5) Discuss the theoretical perspective(s) used for designing your project. Be specific
about the theory and how it informs your project considerations. Integrate the design
and theory.
 For example, what theory made you choose the type of furnishings you opted to put
into the space? And more generally, what theory made you choose your approach
to the project you have designed?
6) Provide a clear description of your actual design and measurable outcomes, and link
this discussion to the appendix which will contain your design plan.
Refer to sustainable development goals
Focus on Sustainable Development Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities

How to write

 Brief introduction
o Brief overview of the project
o Background information
 Specify the space/program ie A Hand up Hub providing shelter and services to those who are
 Identify your target population that uses the space – YOUTH
 Identify the activities within the space – Food, Showering, Counselling, Helping find
accommodation, temporary accommodation
 Identify any special needs of the space that should be considered – needs to be a safe space
 Discuss the theoretical perspectives for designing your space
 Integrate theory with your design (using evidence)
o What made you choose your colour palette?
o What made you choose your furnishings?
o Etc

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