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Discuss Shaping Public Policy.

Discuss Shaping Public Policy. Clothes make the poor invisible…. America has the best-dressed poverty the world has ever known.” — Michael Harrington Public policy is how government, at the federal, state, and local levels address public concerns. Public policy can be understood through the following characteristics: Public policy responds to a perceived concern. The following … Read more

Child Abuse: Prevention and Investigation

Child Abuse: Prevention and Investigation Paper concerning your own personal experience with child abuse and/or neglect. You should include an introduction which will state what you know (if you have any prior knowledge) about child abuse and/or neglect prior to this assignment. Do some research and tell me about child abuse and/or neglect in the … Read more

Organizational Goal Setting and SMART Analysis

Organizational Goal Setting and SMART Analysis Instructions Organizational Goal Setting and SMART Analysis Throughout several units of this course, you will be building toward a comprehensive course project. Each unit will have a different focus, and you will explain how those concepts relate to an organization of your choosing. You may select your employer or … Read more

What are things that negotiators can proactively do to manage the perceptions rationality and fairness?

What are things that negotiators can proactively do to manage the perceptions rationality and fairness? Should be at least 250 words and please use APA format. Thankyou Answer preview: word limit:312

This paper provides an analysis of the article, ‘Role of Trust in integrative negotiations’ by Lopez-Fresno,

This paper provides an analysis of the article, ‘Role of Trust in integrative negotiations’ by Lopez-Fresno. Module 8 Journal Article Analysis Each student will select one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search of online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your … Read more

Explain four functions of management

Explain four functions of management Explain the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in your own words. Also, explain how the functions work together in business. Your response must be at least 300 words in length Explain how outsourcing, offshoring, and foreign entities affect the operation of businesses in the United States. Under … Read more

Business Property Taxes Assignment.

Business Property Taxes Assignment. There are 12 Propositions, and some of the issues include: Stem Cell Research, Affirmative Action, Voting at Age 17, Rent Control, and other very important issues that affect all of us in California. The purpose behind this assignment is to get you to register to vote (Links to an external site.), in case you … Read more

Discuss the Importance of information systems

Discuss the Importance of information systems Discussion: This week we discuss each of the different roles that people play in the design, development, and use of information systems. Please also explain the importance of where the information systems function is placed and the various types of users of information systems. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words … Read more

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought

The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought To continue our discussion of cultural borders, I want us to watch a TED talk by Turkish author Elif Shafak. “In this passionate, personal talk, she reminds us that there are no binaries, in politics, emotions and our identities. ‘One should never, ever remain silent for fear of complexity,’ … Read more

Discussion Topic: Religion and Language

Discussion Topic: Religion and Language For this Module’s assignment, you will look at the spatial association that exists between Language Families and World Religions. A second component of this assignment will assess your ability to continue using geographic concepts/themes to explain. Part 1. Compare the maps of world religions and language families (from either your text … Read more

Please answer the following questions on information systems.

Please answer the following questions on information systems. Paper 1: Please answer the following questions Describe the role of a systems analyst. What are some of the different roles for a computer engineer? What are the duties of a computer operator? What does the CIO do? Explain the point of having two different career paths … Read more

Annotated bibliography-Medication errors.

Annotated bibliography-Medication errors. Create a 3-5-page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing one of the health care problems or issues in the Assessment Topic Areas media piece faced by a health care organization that is of interest to you. INTRODUCTION In your professional life, you will need to … Read more

Roma (2018) Film-(Viewing & Reflection)

Roma (2018) Film-(Viewing & Reflection) This week, our extra credit opportunity comes in the form of a movie from Netflix called Roma. In this film, “Oscar winner Alfonso Cuarón delivers a vivid, emotional portrait of a domestic worker’s journey set against domestic and political turmoil in 1970s Mexico” (Netflix). If you do have time and effort to … Read more

Discuss or reflect upon the American Correctional Association (ACA)

 Discuss or reflect upon the American Correctional Association (ACA) The Research Paper is a brief research paper combining your personal discoveries about a work or works that you can pull from appropriate research sources. The Research Paper must be overwhelmingly yours. Requirements: The main body of your paper should no less than four “full” pages … Read more

Discussion on Apnea and Chronic Lime Disease

Discussion on Apnea and Chronic Lime Disease Apnea and chronic lime disease essay based on 3articles Paper must be typed and submitted on or before the due date in APA format. The paper must contain; Title page Introduction Content Definition Pathophysiology Signs and Symptoms Laboratory and Diagnostic tests Medical Treatments and Management Nursing Assessment and … Read more

Write about Listeriosis disease

Write about Listeriosis disease I choose the Listeriosis disease to write. Methods (< 1 page): briefly describe the methods used for identifying outbreak investigations that were included in the systematic review (8 pts) • Database(s) used • Search terms• Year(s) • Language • Inclusion/exclusion criteria (do not include review articles!) • Figure showing the results … Read more

Review the section on dealing with multiple locations and outsourcing.

Review the section on dealing with multiple locations and outsourcing. Paper 2: Review the section on dealing with multiple locations and outsourcing. Review figure 7.2 and not how virtual team communications further reiterates the importance of this model. Instructions: Need minimum 300 words No need References Please use side headings to address the content Answer … Read more

Explain Privacy issues on data mining

Explain Privacy issues on data mining topic :- Privacy issues on data mining Please use at least one reference and ensure it’s in APA format (as well as the in-text citation). Also, ensure to NOT COPY DIRECTLY from any source (student or online source), rather rephrase the author’s work and use in-text citations were necessary. … Read more

Discuss Privacy Issues on Data Mining

Discuss Privacy Issues on Data Mining topic :- Privacy issues on data mining Please use at least one reference and ensure it’s in APA format (as well as the in-text citation). Also, ensure to NOT COPY DIRECTLY from any source (student or online source), rather rephrase the author’s work and use in-text citations were necessary. … Read more

Why is it critical for company managers to have a clear strategic vision regarding their organization?

Discuss: Why is it critical for company managers to have a clear strategic vision regarding their organization? 300 words min. and APA format with references Answer preview: word limit:316

Assignment: Research Design and Sampling

Assignment: Research Design and Sampling Using the empirical research article that your instructor approved in the Week 5 assignment, ask yourself: “Is this a quantitative research article or a qualitative research article?” Remember, in quantitative research, the emphasis is on measuring social phenomenon because it is assumed that everything can be observed, measured, and quantified. … Read more

Theory and Research: The Comfort Theory

Theory and Research: The Comfort Theory Assignment Instructions: There are various methods used to evaluate a theory. One method of synthesized theory analysis includes the components of Theory Description, Theory Analysis, and Theory Evaluation. To determine the value, worth, and significance of a theory, the entire theory must be evaluated. Assignment Criteria: 1) Choose one … Read more

As the global manager of medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy

As the global manager of medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy It requires effort and critical thinking Ensure that you follow the APA style for references . Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words. No plagiarism, No match please the project MUST be supported by evidence and resources. … Read more

Advance Pathophysiology: Case Study

Advance Pathophysiology: Case Study Patient is a 24-year-old female administrative assistant who comes to the emergency department with a chief complaint of severe right-sided headache. She states that this is the sixth time in the last 2 months she has had this headache. She says the headaches last 2–3 days and have impacted her ability … Read more

Describe the dynamics of unleashing innovation and creativity

Describe the dynamics of unleashing innovation and creativity ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES identify characteristics of entrepreneurs who recognize and seize business opportunities and new ventures Recognize the behavior attributes of those who become entrepreneurs DELIVERABLE LENGTH: 1,200 words Complete the following for this assignment: Define entrepreneurship, and cite your definition. Explain how entrepreneurs are likely to face extreme situations … Read more

Zakat and Tax Accounting: Q & A Assignment

Zakat and Tax Accounting: Q & A Assignment Q1. Explain how Gains and losses on disposal of assets are calculated and give numerical examples for taxable gains and non-taxable gains. (DO NOT copy from the Law). Q2. Discuss why some fixed assets require alms to be paid while others do not. (In your own words … Read more

Thesis Proposal-TED talk on cultural borders.

Thesis Proposal-TED talk on cultural borders. DIRECTIONS: Your TED talk will be on the subject we have been discussing for the last few weeks, cultural borders (or boundaries) and the way they influence who we are/how our identities are formed. For example, if I was giving this TED talk, I would make an argument that … Read more

Agency for healthcare-Discussion.

Agency for healthcare-Discussion. The Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports research that improves the quality of health care and performance improvement. Select and describe one of the data sources available from AHRQ. Include in your discussion the role of the health care leader in promoting safe, effective evidence-based patient car Answer preview: … Read more

The Module Significance from an Objective Perspective to an Agency Reviewer

The Module Significance from an Objective Perspective to an Agency Reviewer Subject: Re: Why is module 3 so important from an objective evidence perspective to an agency reviewer? Answer preview: word limit:328

Discussion-Conflict within Teams

Discussion-Conflict within Teams part 1: Conflict within Teams Think of a conflict that occurred in a team you were a part of and analyze it. What were the main sources of the conflict? What interventions can be used to improve the quality of conflict a team? Part 2: Creativity in Teams Evaluate yourself using the three indices … Read more

Essay topic about Economic anthropology

Essay topic about Economic anthropology Topic below. Marcel Mauss argued that there is no such thing as a “free gift”. What, according to Mauss, are the issues involved in gift giving? Discuss Kula as a total social phenomenon. What do social theorists mean when they speak of a total social phenomenon? What is the basic … Read more

Describe the Dynamics of Coping in a Competitive Market

Describe the Dynamics of Coping in a Competitive Market ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Describe the dynamics of unleashing innovation and creativity Distinguish between the thought process and mindset of successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs Write a paper of 1,200–1,500 words to address the following questions: Why are large businesses with an entrepreneurial orientation more likely to be innovative … Read more

Significance of Preventative Medicine on Geriatric Healthy Living

Significance of Preventative Medicine on Geriatric Healthy Living write a research proposal for a Quantitative Research Topic. Kindly choose a good topic with a Research question, Research Aim, Ethical Consideration, and must include Introduction and conclusion paragraph, rest of body paragraph you can decide as per instruction. And more citation in the body paragraph. It’s … Read more

WORKPLACE PROFESSIONALISM- Power point presentation.

WORKPLACE PROFESSIONALISM- Power point presentation. Assessment Competency Assessment Directions This Competency Assessment assesses the following learning competency: CS204-2: Apply oral communication skills for promoting a professional image. CS204 Competency Assessment Module Two: For this assignment, you will create a narrated PowerPoint presentation that will orient new employees on expectations of professionalism for an organization. You will … Read more


CAREER STRATEGY- Power point. To receive credit you must complete the Competency Assessment. Competency Assessment Directions This Competency Assessment assesses the following learning competency: CS204-3: Assess professional goals for present and future career marketability. CS204 Competency Assessment Module Three: You will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines your career strategy. A goal is a desired outcome … Read more

Child development Discussion.

Child development Discussion. Chapter eight gives a comprehensive information on childbirth, pregnancy, genes, and maternal mortality. This discussion gives a summary of the chapter and a critical approach and is laid out as follows: 1. Chapter summary 2. Main idea 3. Critical issues 4. Conclusion 5. References Answer preview: word limit:569

Psychological Contracts Response

Psychological Contracts Response In this discussion, I will discuss my expectation for a job. My expectation for a job is working for a company that has a good reputation, that I can be proud to acknowledge; having the ability to be advanced within the organization. In today’s time, every family needs benefits that meet the … Read more

Discuss the benefits and risks associated with dietary supplements.

Discuss the benefits and risks associated with dietary supplements. The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. … Read more

Resolving conflict between a client and their family

Resolving conflict between a client and their family Discuss approaches that a nurse might take to assist in resolving conflict between a client and their family. What actions by the nurse help ensure that clients participate in the decision­-making process about their care?   should be about a paragraph. Thanks! Answer preview: word limit:216

Salmeterol in Asthma and COPD management and Treatment Assignment.

Salmeterol in Asthma and COPD management and Treatment Assignment. Write an analysis describing how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems disorder.•300 words minimum Write an analysis describing how the selected medication class relates to the selected systems disorder. •300 words minimum Answer preview: Word limit:382

Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative designs.

Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative designs. Discuss characteristics used to appraise when evaluating qualitative and quantitative designs. Which characteristics are the most important and why? Answer preview: word limit:266

Discussion 72-Hour Disaster Home Go Bag

Discussion 72-Hour Disaster Home Go Bag This week you will put together your 72-hour disaster home “go bag” and evaluate your preparedness. Here are the steps for your initial post: 1. Use the lists available at the website, FEMA, or the Red Cross website to gather items for your 72-hour home go bag. Add additional items that you … Read more

Distribution Strategies of Apple company.

Distribution Strategies of Apple company. The place P focuses on how companies move their products from where they are manufactured to where consumers may acquire them; this is distribution. Discuss the distribution system used by the manufacturer of your computer. Include the following in your discussion: Do you know if your manufacturer uses direct channels, indirect channels, or … Read more

Stem-Cell Research

Stem-Cell Research The final research paper must be 5 pages in length, double-spaced, not counting the cover page and the reference pages. You must use at least 3 scholarly sources for your paper beyond the course textbook. Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic. All sources used, including the textbook, must be … Read more

Discussion and Responses on Patient Satisfaction Surveys.

Discussion and Responses on Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Think of a time when you completed a satisfaction survey for a business, doctor’s office or other organization. What types of questions did they ask? What would you assume they are trying to accomplish with their survey? How can this type of data be used to determine organizational … Read more

Fallacies and Persuasion Discussion

Fallacies and Persuasion Discussion Discussion prompt: In the first half of your 250-word post, argue that women are more nurturing and caring than men are. Try your best to avoid fallacies. In the second half of your post, write a critique of the first argument, paying special attention to any fallacies you may uncover. Answer … Read more

Behaviorism Theory and Effects on Early Childhood Education

Behaviorism Theory and Effects on Early Childhood Education Assume the role of an early childhood teacher and write a letter of 500‐750 words to your school administrator. Research a current trend or issue related to a child development theory. Some example issues include, but are not limited to: Behaviorism Behavior rewards/systems in the classroom Montessori … Read more

Developing a Shared Vision

Developing a Shared Vision Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today’s health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics: Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services) Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and Temporary … Read more

Heart Failure Case Study

Heart Failure Case Study It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mrs. J., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a … Read more

Research Report – Selling Overseas and Marketing in Another Country

Research Report – Selling Overseas and Marketing in Another Country This project should be completed individually. Select a product or service that you currently own (or use) and a country that you’re not familiar with. You are encouraged to select a product or service that is unique and innovative. Imagine that you are with the … Read more