Where should we target this population?-Planning an Intervention

Where should we target this population?-Planning an Intervention

Where should we target this population?
The setting and location is an important factor in designing a campaign as they affect the effectiveness of our campaign as well as the way we want to approach them.
please read this because its clarification from doctor ” In the assessment should focus :
-Choose one population and examine some of the considerations you need to keep in mind when planning your intervention. Focus your answer on one of the following questions: ‘How’, ‘When’ or ‘Where’.
These are explanation :
At the start of this process we need to consider a few questions that help us frame our intervention and the intentions behind it:
Who is the population are we going to target with this intervention?
The more detailed our definition the easier it will be to successfully target the population with a tailored and evidence-based campaign.
Why are we targeting this population?
Not only the population itself is important but also to know why we have to target this population. This primarily refers to the health behavior we are targeting but also includes a look at the underlying reasons for the behaviors we can see. This again helps us to select appropriate tools and should ideally enable us to target the cause rather than the symptom.
How will we approach this population – which theory suits this population best?
Theories might not be the most attractive topic but they are relevant as they provide us with a matrix that not only explains their behaviors from a psycho-social point of view but again helps in the identification and tailoring of our intervention in general or specific components.
What type of intervention or which components should we use?
There are different types of interventions that all proved to be tremendously successful in the past. However, not all intervention types and components are a good fit for all populations, settings, and issues.
When is the best time of the year to target this population?
Sometimes it’s quite simple: Nobody would start a sun safe or sun smart campaign in the middle of winter. Sometimes it is a bit more complicated and a look at epidemiological trends helps us identify the right time and time frame for our campaigns.
Where should we target this population?
The setting and location is an important factor in designing a campaign as they affect the effectiveness of our campaign as well as the way we want to approach them.
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