Reflect on the The Principle Values of Privacy

Reflect on the The Principle Values of Privacy

Paper Prompts: Write on ONE of the following topics:

(1) According to James Rachels, privacy is valuable because it allows us to develop varied and meaningful interpersonal relationships. Explain Rachels argument. Discuss two objections to Rachels argument.

(2) Is obfuscation a form of lying? Is it morally allowed? Explain your answer in detail by referring to one of the three moral theories discussed in week 4.

(3) Matthew Liao distinguishes between four positions regarding the question of whether reproductive genetic engineering is morally permissible — the perfectionist view, the libertarian view, the human nature view, and the motivation view. Explain one of these views. Explain what, if anything, is problematic about this view.

(4) Should deaf parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture? Should hearing parents have the right to bring deaf children up as members of Deaf Culture? Explain your answers.

Requirements: 2 pple each 4pages

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word limit:1278