Project Details

Paper Topic : (Task A – Ch2 Literature Review- editing Research gap section) Style : APA Language Style : English (U.K.) Type of Assignment : Literature Review Deadline : 7 Hours Acedemic Level : Editing Rewriting Number of pages : 6Number of Sources : 1       Order Instructions           Hope you’re doing well. Please find the instructions for this short and quick Task A which is editing a section of the Ch2 – Literature Review below. I trust you will keep all the documents I provided completely confidential. Please find a complete version of a Ch2-Literature Review attached. The section I need to be edited is “2.7 Research Gaps, Objectives and Questions of the Study”. To the writer: I have provided an introduction about the research questions in the Introduction of the chapter and detail explanation in section 2.7. I need a professional writer in this area to read the whole document and re-edit the section 2.7 and make the Research Gap section more clear and understandable and express and relate clearly to the research objectives and questions. Suggestion: As you can see there are Three Dimensions of IT Governance explained in section 2.4. One approach could be to find gap in the literature in each dimension and express them in 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 and have them summarised in section 2.7. The other approach (recommended) is to only have all the gaps just in section 2.7. Please do ask the writer to have the Track Changes on. This is a very small task, not more than few hours. I need tracked changes so I can see where you have made changes


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