Humanities Question-Lorax and Once-Ler

Humanities Question-Lorax and Once-Ler

NEPA was passed in 1969. The first Earth Day was in April 1970. The Lorax was published in 1971. Dr. Seuss kept up with current events.

Think about and discuss:

  • What tools does the Lorax apply to the problem that he sees with the Once-ler’s actions? Do you agree with using that tool? Why or why not?
    • Why does the Once-ler able to keep taking the trees and polluting the environment? Can you find a quote where the Once-ler basically tells the Lorax why he is not obliged to stop?
    • If you were the Lorax’s lawyer, which claims would you bring to stop the Once-ler? Do you think that your claims are likely to be successful?

    I need around half-page.Single spacing

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