Case Study Review-TD Canada Trust (A)

Case Study Review-TD Canada Trust (A)

Review the case, TD Canada Trust (A)

After reviewing the case, prepare responses to the following questions:

1. From a customer perspective – how could TD Canada reduce the general hostility toward mergers as a preemptive move?

2. TD Canada made a promise that their customers would experience unparalleled levels of customer service. Is this necessary? What level of service is adequate, what level is desired, what level is too much from a profit perspective and how would you know and acquire this information?

3. Was the “Banking can be this comfortable” with the green chair – a campaign that would would run? What alternatives – given the attitudes about mergers, etc. – would you suggest that might have been a better approach?

4. After a big merger when customers are uneasy and don’t know what to expect (given just a one year promise on costs and service) and given that you know employee satisfaction is linked to customer satisfaction – what type of incentive program(s) would you suggest? This should not be based solely on CSI data.

Requirements: 1-2 pages

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word limit:615