Psychology Question-cognitive psychology

Psychology Question-cognitive psychology

For each Journal Article Summary, you will choose an article to review and use the Journal Article Summary Form to complete the assignment. The article you select must be a peer reviewed journal article in the field of cognitive psychology. The article must also be a primary source, meaning that the authors are discussing their own research, not others’ research (e.g. review articles). Do not use an article that conducted a meta-analysis. It is ideal to select an article that you will be using in your paper; however, this is not a requirement. If you use an article that does not meet these criteria, you will not receive credit for this assignment. See the example below for detailed explanation of the required material for each question. Submit the completed form and a PDF of the article being reviewed. All material must be in current APA format.

Requirements: APA | Worksheet | 1 pages, Single spaced

it’s the attachment that says journal article summary assignment instructions. There’s 8 questions on that, and the questions are to be answered.

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word limit:560