Discussion on Ways Technology Relates to Society

Discussion on Ways Technology Relates to Society

Basically Your own ideas about creation of technology. Your own theories, argument about how technology happens based on historical portions explain in class.

Relationship of technology in society.

2 of the 3 ideas discuss on class. Examples from the reading and class discussions.

Native American technology


Colonial technology

Relationship between the news and printing technology with society 1700s.

Boomers furnace blasting furnace. Originated from Europe transfer to the United States. It’s a theoretical paper.

Description of the Essay for History of Technology

Write an essay that addresses different ways that technology relates to society and explains
your views on the relationship between technology and society. In this paper you should
address the social construction of technology, technological determinism or techno-politics.
You should discuss and critique at least two of these three ways of thinking about technology.
Back up the points you make with specific historical examples from the readings and class
You will be making your own argument about how technological change happens by thinking
about the theories and historical examples we have discussed in class.

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