Inquiry question and Observation Protocols

Inquiry question and Observation Protocols

watching these videos and complete 2 questions below. Please separate into two documents.

  1. Cross Language Connections
  2. Así se dice – Transitional Bilingual Program
  3. The Dictado – 2nd Grade
  4. Teaching for Biliteracy (several K-8 classroom lesson videos)
  5. Scaffolding Literacy Instruction (Middle Grade)
  6. SIOP Model for Teaching ELLs
  7. Creating a Welcoming ELL Classroom
  8. Media that Matters – Immersion

1. This portion includes a 2-page written component detailing the question(s) you have decided to investigate and what you anticipate you will find.

2. This portion includes a description of the observation protocols you have identified and adapted and/or developed for the purpose of investigating your inquiry question(s). You should use at least two different protocols and explain how each of these will help you answer important components of your inquiry. ( 2 pages)

Requirements: 4 pages   |   .doc file

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