What do you consider the most important information or idea(s)

What do you consider the most important information or idea(s)

Review Questions

1. Do you have questions about any of last week’s readings: 1. Youth to Power Chapter 11, particularly pages 138-144 and 149-150 and 2.Challenge Everything Part 3 (pages 69-103) – Challenge Government.

2. What do you consider the most important information or idea(s) in Youth to Power Chapter 11 (social media for social action)?

3. Did reading the Challenge Government section of Challenge Everything change your mind or inspire you in any way about climate change and/or about activism?

4. What genres are you considering for your final assignment? We have already considered a short story (“The Precedent”) and a piece of non-fiction writing, possibly on the model of the three sections of Challenge Everything. In the last two weeks before Spring Break, we will consider a TED talk and a children’s book. But there are other possibilities. What possibilities are you considering?

Preview Questions

1. Drawing on our discussion last week about protest and non-violent direct action, what do you see as the possibilities, limitations, and challenges of these two forms of social action, particularly for the issues that you are most interested in?

2. Do some research on the term “civil disobedience,” and tell us what you learned.

3. Do some research here on the 1930 Salt March in India; then watch the following video and tell us what you learned about peaceful civil disobedience. Warning: the video contains depictions of violence.


4. Do some research on kayaktivism, and tell us what you learned.

5. Do some research on the Dakota Access Pipeline actions at Standing Rock in 2016, and tell us what you learned.

6. Do some research on the 1963 Children’s March in Birmingham, Alabama, and tell us what you learned.

7. Do some research on the Stop Line 3 actions going on in Minnesota right now, and tell us what you learned.

8. What does the idea of challenging yourself mean to you? It doesn’t have to be about political or social action; rather, you can discuss any context in which the idea of challenging yourself has meaning for you.

Requirements: 1 page

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