Peer Discussion on School Discipline

Peer Discussion on School Discipline

Select one of the two videos you watched during Monday’s lecture video about school discipline practices in Texas or Minnesota. Make sure to state if you’re talking about the Texas or Minnesota video in your response.

Post a response to the following questions:

    • What stands out for you – positive or negative – about the school district’s approach to keeping students safe at school? In other words, what did you like or what did you find problematic?
    • Think about the schools that you’ve attended. Were the discipline practices positive or negative towards students? And how did those practices impact students (e.g., feeling safe at school, relationships with adults in the school, overall feelings about the school environment, motivation to learn, etc.)?

Read and respond to THREE of your peers’ posts – something surprising to you, something you can relate to, or anything else you’d like to say. Always be respectful in your responses to your peers.

Requirements: Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

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